On the other side

WJ #141

“Nel nostro mondo, in cui non esistono risposte univoche, gli israeliani e i loro sostenitori considerano le spiegazioni relative al contesto politico, storico e perfino psicologico degli attacchi come tentativi di giustificarli. Non si interessano alla violenza strutturale del regime israeliano. I palestinesi e i loro sostenitori considerano la condanna pubblica dell’attacco di Hamas un’assoluzione dell’occupazione israeliana”. 

Amira Hass, in un articolo pubblicato su Internazionale

Il 7 ottobre 2023 Hamas e altri gruppi palestinesi armati hanno perpetrato una serie di offensive militari composite, fuminee e contemporanee: al lancio di razzi in territorio israeliano si sono sommati attacchi terroristici e massacri indiscriminati di civili e militari. I miliziani di Hamas hanno sfondato il muro confinante con la Striscia di Gaza in più punti, allo scopo di penetrare nelle città israeliane più vicine. All’incirca 250 israeliani, di cui 30 bambini, sono stati sequestrati e trascinati nella Striscia. 

Si contano più di 1.200 morti fra gli israeliani e oltre 5.400 feriti. Molte sono le violenze e gli abusi atroci registrati dalle vittime, inclusi minori, donne e anziani. Nei pressi del kibbutz di Re’im, nel deserto del Negev, più di 260 giovani sono stati massacrati durante un festival musicale e i sopravvissuti sono stati fatti ostaggi e trasferiti a Gaza. In molti casi i corpi sono stati bruciati, rendendone impossibile l’identificazione. 

A seguito dell’attacco a sorpresa di Hamas, Israele ha formalmente dichiarato guerra per la prima volta dopo gli attacchi dello Yom Kippur del 1973 e ha organizzato la controffensiva avviando l’Operazione Spade Di Ferro. La risposta è stata di grande risentimento e violenza e dal 7 ottobre in base ai dati delle Nazioni Unite, si contano oltre 21mila vittime fra i palestinesi con 53.600 feriti. 

Per la Striscia si tratta del conflitto più grave degli ultimi decenni e le conseguenze della rappresaglia sono già molto pesanti, sia sul piano delle vite umane, che su quello politico ed economico. Anche Israele rischia un affossamento della propria economia con effetti imprevisti e duraturi, mentre i suoi attacchi hanno già portato morte e distruzione in interi quartieri di Gaza, unitamente ad una catastrofe umanitaria nei Territori occupati, incluso lo sfollamento della West Bank. Le case distrutte nella Striscia di Gaza, registrate dell’Onu, sono oltre 65mila e si stimano 1,9 milioni di persone sfollate.


Il reportage

01 – Tel Aviv centennial celebrations, Israel, 4.4.2009
Tel Aviv centennial celebrations, Israel, April 4, 2009.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


02 – Tel Aviv, 24.7.2023
Israeli anti government protesters take part in a demonstration in Tel Aviv after one of the Judicial overhaul bills was approved, July 20, 2023.
Oren Ziv


03 – Demonstration against military conscription, West Jerusalem, 23.3.2017
Police forces use a water canon to disperse a demonstration of Ultra-Orthodox Jews against the arrest of three Yeshiva students, who were placed in military prison after refusing to serve in the Israeli army, Jerusalem, March 23, 2017.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


04 – Anti-corruption protest against Benjamin Netanyahu, West Jerusalem, 10.7.2018
Anti-corruption protesters stand in front of a photo of Israeli prime minster, Benjamin Netanyahu, during a vigil outside his official residency in West Jerusalem, as police officers arrive to investigate him on suspicion of corruption, July 10, 2018.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


05 – Protest against the Israeli attack on Gaza, Tel Aviv, Israel, 23.8.2014
Israeli activists protest in centre Tel Aviv against the Israeli attack on Gaza, calling to end the violence, August 23, 2014.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


06 – Funeral of an Israeli killed in a vehicular attack, Jerusalem, 7.11.2014
The body of Shalom Aharon Ba’adani, killed by a Palestinian in a vehicular attack carried during his funeral in Jerusalem, November 7, 2014. Shalom is the second victim of a Palestinian driver who deliberately crashed into pedestrians near East Jerusalem on Wednesday.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


07 – Protest in solidarity with the conscience objector Hadas Amit outside Prison 4, Israel, 11.1.2007
Anti-militarism activists posing with banners and signs during protest in solidarity with the conscience objector Hadas Amit outside Prison 4, Israel, Janurary 11th, 2007.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


08 – Missile attack, Ashkelon, Israel, 16.7.2014
Israelis take cover with the sound of emergency sirens, near a house damaged by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, in the southern city of Ashkelon, Israel, July 16, 2014. Four children on the beach in Gaza City were killed in an Israeli airstrike, raising the overall death toll to over 200 Palestinians as operation ‘Protective Edge’ enters it’s ninth day. One Israeli civilian was killed on July 15 from a direct hit near the Erez Crossing.
Photographer: Yotam Ronen


09 – Funeral of Daniel Tregerman, South of Israel, 24.8.2014
The parents of Daniel Tregerman, a 4-year-old child killed by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, mourn during his funeral, Hevel Shalom, Israel, on August 24, 2014. Daniel Tregerman is the first Israeli casualty since the collapse of the ceasefire between Israel and Hamas. Over 500 Palestinians children were killed and over 3000 were wounded during the latest attack on Gaza.
Photographer: Yotam Ronen

010 – Settlers march, West Bank, 23,12,2021
Thousands of Israeli settlers march to the illegal outpost of Homesh to mark 7 days for the killing of an Israeli settler in the place. The army closed road 60 for movement of Palestinians and entrances to Palestinian villages ahead of the event, December 23, 2021.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


011 – Israeli Settlers Celebrate the Jewish Holiday of Purim, Hebron, West Bank, 10.3.2009
An Israeli settler dressed as an Israeli soldier, armed with a real semi-automatic weapon, with costumed Israeli settler children celebrating the Jewish holiday of Purim in the West Bank city of Hebron, March 10, 2009. About 300 settlers marched through the empty streets of Hebron, surrounded by Israeli soldiers and riot policemen who forced the Palestinian residents of the city to stay at home.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


012 – Ultra-orthodox Jews protest compulsory enlistment, West Jerusalem, 16.5.2013
Ultra-orthodox Jews gather during a protest against government policy obliging Ultra-orthodox youth to undergo military service, in front of the main army recruitment office, West Jerusalem, May 16, 2013. During clashes, the police arrested 10 protesters.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


013 – Sheikh Jarrah, 13.1.2023
Right wing Israelis protest in front of Palestinian, Israeli and international activists take part in the weekly protest in Sheikh Jarrah, Jerusalem, in support of Palestinian residents who are facing ongoing ethnic cleansing by Israeli settlers in the area. January 13, 2023. Demonstrators hoisted Palestinian flags in defiance of an order by the new Minister of National Security, Itamar Ben-Gvir, to remove Palestinian flags in all public places, including protests. Israeli police did not enforce the order and did not act against the protesters. Israeli settlers held a counter-protest to disturb the demonstration.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


014 – Funeral of Druze Israeli border police officer Yezen Falah
Mourners gather around the coffin of Druze Israeli border police officer Yezen Falah, 19, during his funeral in the village of Kisra-Sumei, March 28, 2022. Falah was killed in a Sunday night shooting attack by a pair of Palestinian gunmen, in the central Israel city of Hadera.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


015 – Tel Aviv, 4.2.2023
Israeli protesters attend a mass rally against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s new hard-right government in the city of Tel Aviv, February 4, 2023.
Photographer: Oren Ziv


016 – Tel Aviv, 11.3.2023
Israelis anti government protesters take part in a protest in Tel Aviv, March 11, 2023.
Photographer: Oren Ziv

Scheda autore


Activestills è un collettivo di fotografi documentaristi palestinesi, israeliani e internazionali che operano in Palestina, Israele e all’estero. È nato nel 2005 ed è una struttura indipendente auto organizzata, basata sulla convinzione che il lavoro collettivo sia al servizio dell’espressione personale di ogni fotografo e che i progetti congiunti creino potenti dichiarazioni condivise. Activestills è pienamente impegnato nella lotta del popolo palestinese, per i loro diritti e libertà, e mira a sensibilizzare su questioni generalmente assenti dal discorso pubblico o presentate in modo fuorviante dai media.

Activestills is a collective of Palestinian, Israeli and international documentary photographers working in Palestine, Israel and abroad. It was born in 2005 and is an independent, self-organised independent structure based on the belief that mutual work serves each photographer’s personal expression, and that joint projects create powerful shared statements. Activestills is fully committed to the struggle of the Palestinian people, and their rights and freedom, and aims to raise awareness on issues that are generally absent from public discourse, or presented in a misleading way by the media.