Great March of Return

WJ #141

“Restiamo Umani. A qualunque latitudine. Facciamo parte della stessa comunità. Ogni uomo, ogni donna, ogni piccolo di questo pianeta, ovunque nasca e viva, ha diritto alla vita e alla dignità. Gli stessi diritti che rivendichiamo per noi appartengono anche a tutti gli altri e le altre. Senza eccezione alcuna. Restiamo umani. Anche quando intorno a noi l’umanità pare si perda.”. 

Vittorio Arrigoni

A partire dal 30 marzo del 2018, migliaia di manifestanti si sono recati per sette volte, ogni venerdì, per protestare sul confine fra Israele e la Striscia. Attraverso gli sconfinamenti, i lanci di oggetti ed altre forme di disobbedienza civile, rivedicavano il “diritto al ritorno” per i discendenti dei rifugiati della nakba del 1948 con la “Grande Marcia del Ritorno”. Secondo i dati raccolti Nazioni Unite, fra il 30 marzo e il 22 maggio del 2018 le forze israeliane sono state responsabili dell’uccisione di almeno 195 palestinesi, fra cui 41 minori, e del ferimento di oltre 28.939 persone. 

La commissione d’inchiesta istituita dalle Nazioni Unite sulle violazioni commesse durante le proteste del 2018 ha riscontrato ferite da arma da fuoco in oltre 6mila vittime palestinesi e l’amputazione degli arti in almeno 122 persone, 21 delle quali erano minori. In base al rapporto finale delle Nazioni Unite diffuso nel 2019, molte delle uccisioni per mano delle forze israeliane sono imputabili di violazione del diritto internazionale umanitario. 

Il rapporto “ha riscontrato ragionevoli motivi per ritenere che le forze di sicurezza israeliane abbiano ucciso e ferito manifestanti palestinesi che non ponevano una minaccia immediata di morte o ferimento grave ad altre persone nel momento in cui erano state colpite” dai proiettili: tra queste, minori, giornalisti, personale paramedico e persone con disabilità.

“La dimensione scioccante e la natura orribile delle ferite debilitanti subite dai manifestanti palestinesi suggeriscono che Israele abbia perseguito l’intenzionale strategia di procurare danni ai civili“, ha dichiarato Saleh Higazi, vicedirettore di Amnesty International per il Medio Oriente e l’Africa del Nord.


Il reportage

01 – Gaza border fence protest, Gaza Strip, 21.9.2018
Palestinian protesters during the 26th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza-Israel border fence, Gaza Strip, September 21, 2018. One Palestinian, identified as Karim Muhammad Kallab, 25, was shot and killed by Israeli forces during the protest. Since the weekly protests started on March 30, 2018, calling for the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees, the Israeli army has killed more than 180 Palestinians and wounded thousands.   
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


02 – Gaza fence protest, Gaza Strip, 10.8.2018
Palestinians run from tear gas during a protest at the Gaza fence, east of Gaza city, August 10, 2018. This demonstration is part of a series of a protests which started on March 30 for Land day and is called the “Great Return March”, demanding for the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees that were displaced in 1948 from their towns and villages and the end of the siege. Since the beginning of protests on March 30,Israeli forces have killed at least 164 Palestinians and wounded more than 18,000 people, according to health officials in Gaza.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


03 – Great March of Return Protest, Gaza Strip, 21.12.2018
A masked Palestinian protester wearing a Santa Claus hat throws stones, during the 39th “Great March of Return” weekly Friday protest near the Israeli-built barrier that surrounds Gaza, east of Gaza City, Gaza Strip, December 21, 2018. During the demonstration the Israeli army shot and killed four Palestinians- Mohammed al-Jahjouh (16), Maher Yasin (40), Abed al-Aziz Sharia (28) and Iman Munir Shubir (18). According to the Gaza Health Ministry at least 40 protesters were wounded by live fire, including four paramedics and four members of the press. The “Great March of Return” demonstrations started on March 30, 2018, calling for the Right of Return of Palestinian refugees, and an end to the Israeli siege over the Gaza Strip. 
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


04 – Great March of Return protest, Gaza Strip, 10.4.2018
Palestinian women launch balloons at the return camp near the Gaza fence for the 2nd week as part of the #GreatReturnMarch, Eastern Gaza Strip, near Shujayia, April 10, 2018. Around 30,000 Palestinians took part of massive protests called ’The Great March of Return” calling for the right of return of Palestinian refugees and the end of the siege on Gaza. The protests started on Land day, and are announced to continue until Nakba day. Up to now, there had been more than 30 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces and around 2000 injuries, many of them by live ammunition.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


05 – Great March of Return protest, Gaza Strip, 20.4.2018
Palestinian youth chanting and cheering near the Gaza border fence
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


06 – Great March of Return protest, Gaza Strip, 4.5.2018
Palestinian protesters run for cover after Israeli soldiers shoot tear gas at them, near the Gaza border fence, during the 6th week of the Great Return March protests, east of Gaza City in the central Gaza Strip, May 4, 2018. Over 7,000 Palestinians participated in the Friday demonstration in five different locations along the Gaza border fence, for the seventh week of the #GreatReturnMarch campaign. 40 people were wounded by live ammunition shot by Israeli snipers. A total of 45 Palestinians have been killed since the protests began. 

Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


07 – Great March of Return Protest, Gaza Strip, 26.10.2018
Palestinian protesters shout slogans during the 31th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza fence, east of Gaza City, Gaza Strip, October 26, 2018. Thousands of Palestinians protest at the Gaza fence, as part of the “Great March of Return” protests, calling for the right of return and end of the siege. Five Palestinians were killed by Israeli soldiers during the protest, and 170 injured. Since the “Great March of Return” protests began on March 30, Israeli forces have killed at least 210 Palestinians and wounded more than 18,000.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


08 – Gaza fence protest, Gaza Strip, 12.10.2018
A Palestinian youth throws stones, while others burn tyres, during the 29th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza fence, east of Khan Younis, southern Gaza Strip, October 12, 2018. Around 15,000 Palestinians protested along the Gaza fence, calling for an end to the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip, and demanding the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees. During the demonstration, seven protesters were shot and killed by Israeli snipers. Following the protest and as a means of collective punishment, Israeli Defence Minister Avigdor Liberman ordered to halt fuel delivery into the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the protests on March 30, 2018, 200 Palestinians have been killed by Israeli soldiers.    
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


09 – Gaza border fence protest, East Gaza Strip, 15.6.2018
A Palestinian woman and child walk during a protest at the Gaza-Israel border fence, Eastern Gaza City, June 15, 2018.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


010 – Gaza fence protest, Gaza Strip, 5.10.2018
A Palestinian paramedic treats a protester suffocating from tesr gas, during the 28th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza-Israel fence, Gaza Strip, October 5, 2018. Three Palestinians, including a 12-year-old boy, were shot dead by Israeli forces, and at least 126 others were wounded by live ammunition, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


011 – Funeral, Gaza City, Gaza Strip, 07.7.2018
Mourners carry the body of 22-year-old Muhammad Abu Halima during his funeral, Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, July 7, 2018. Muhammad Abu Halima, was killed the previous day by Israeli forces during a protest calling for the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees and demanding an end to the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the ‘Great March of Return’ protests, 136 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army.

Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


012 – Funeral, Gaza City, Gaza Strip, 07.7.2018
The sister (center) of 22-year-old Muhammad Abu Halima during his funeral, Khan Yunis, Gaza Strip, July 7, 2018. Muhammad Abu Halima, was killed the previous day by Israeli forces during a protest calling for the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees and demanding an end to the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip. Since the beginning of the ‘Great March of Return’ protests, 136 Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army.

Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


013 – Gaza border fence protest, Gaza Strip, 28.9.2018
A Palestinian woman climbs the Gaza border fence, during the 27th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza-Israel border fence, Gaza Strip, September 28, 2018. During the demonstration seven Palestinians were killed by the Israeli army, including two children. Since the weekly protests started on March 30, 2018, calling for the Right of Return for Palestinian refugees, the Israeli army has killed more than 200 Palestinians, 150 of them during demonstrations, and wounded thousands.       

Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


014 – Gaza border fence protest, Gaza Strip, 28.9.2018
A Palestinian protester climbs the Gaza border fence,
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


015 – Gaza fence protest, Gaza Strip, 5.10.2018
A Palestinian protester, during the 28th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza-Israel fence, Gaza Strip, October 5, 2018. Three Palestinians, including a 12-year-old boy, were shot dead by Israeli forces, and at least 126 others were wounded by live ammunition, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun


016 – Gaza fence protest, Gaza Strip, 5.10.2018
A Palestinian youth throws stones, during the 28th “Great March of Return” Friday protest near the Gaza-Israel fence, Gaza Strip, October 5, 2018. Three Palestinians, including a 12-year-old boy, were shot dead by Israeli forces, and at least 126 others were wounded by live ammunition, according to Gaza’s health ministry.
Photographer: Mohammed Zaanoun

Scheda autore


Activestills è un collettivo di fotografi documentaristi palestinesi, israeliani e internazionali che operano in Palestina, Israele e all’estero. È nato nel 2005 ed è una struttura indipendente auto organizzata, basata sulla convinzione che il lavoro collettivo sia al servizio dell’espressione personale di ogni fotografo e che i progetti congiunti creino potenti dichiarazioni condivise. Activestills è pienamente impegnato nella lotta del popolo palestinese, per i loro diritti e libertà, e mira a sensibilizzare su questioni generalmente assenti dal discorso pubblico o presentate in modo fuorviante dai media.

Activestills is a collective of Palestinian, Israeli and international documentary photographers working in Palestine, Israel and abroad. It was born in 2005 and is an independent, self-organised independent structure based on the belief that mutual work serves each photographer’s personal expression, and that joint projects create powerful shared statements. Activestills is fully committed to the struggle of the Palestinian people, and their rights and freedom, and aims to raise awareness on issues that are generally absent from public discourse, or presented in a misleading way by the media.