Plotsi and the Malaga spring

The European tour on the peer-learning storytelling techniques for social inclusion continues; past the Winter in Milan, it’s now time for spring at Malaga University from the 4th to the 8th of April

Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano - dicembre 2021
Pinacoteca di Brera, Milano - dicembre 2021

text and photographs by Matilde Castagna

Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter… and Spring. Further to the winter touch base of the transnational meeting in Milano, Plotsi is now getting ready to start an entire week of full-immersion workshops on storytelling techniques and peer-learning for social inclusion hosted by the University of Malaga (UMA). It’s time to let the seeds from the previous months blossom and nourish the knowledge exchanged by the five participant partners: Memory Lab (Belgium); Karpos (Greece); Sirigaita (Portugal), Witness Journal (Italy) e UMA (Spain).

Milan transnational meeting, 2nd and 3rd of December 2021

Short, yet intensive, the two days in Milan back on the 2nd and 3rd of December 2021 focused on the developing of a shared matrix resuming know how and acquired skills, plus the creation of a specific and dedicated toolkit of good practices that could be used in the next future by every organization and associations, formal or not formal institutions working on storytelling for integration and social inclusion.

Plotsi and the Malaga spring 1
Civica Scuola di Cinema Luchino Visconti, Milan – December 2021

The objective is not only to build a collective and open source heritage, but also to make it potentially expandable thanks to the growth of a wider net, crossing European territories and beyond. The fertile humus of an intercultural exchange among languages and different practices for storytelling nurtures the grounds for dialectic on diversity and creates a space to give voice to those far away stories, which would normally stay silent or unappreciated.  

Plotsi and the Malaga spring 3
Plotsi transnational meeting, Milan – December 2021

The agenda in Malaga; 4th-8th of April 2022

In continuity with the first workshop week in Brussels, the Malaga agenda foresees a short-term program for joint staff training with the hosting and intervention of experts, journalists and researchers. Main protagonist of the audiovisual sounds and visions will be the European Southern border, depicted through the stories and the voices of its migrants and refugees.

See you in Malaga then; from the 4th to the 8th of April don’t forget to follow the project #plotsi #plotsiproject on IG and Fb or on the website

A man may kill one flower, two flowers, three… But he cannot hold spring. (Gandhi)

Plotsi and the Malaga spring
Plotsi transnational meeting, Milan – December 2021
Plotsi and the Malaga spring 2
MIC Interactive Cinema Museum, Milan – December 2021